Monday, June 9, 2014

Our Orchard House Farm

Well, here it goes. First blog post. Welcome to our "farm." Quotations used because who could have a farm in the city of Seattle? Here: Definition of "Farm." See? We grow stuff. It's a farm.

Here are the characters:

Jess. Bike riding, plant loving, chicken hating, Jess. She's the queen of all things green. You'll see in posts to come.

Here's her girl, Daisy. She hates chickens too.

I am Courtney. I love bikes and plants too, but not as much as Jess. Mostly I love animals. Like chickens and dogs and goats and cats and horses... you get the idea.

Here's my buddy, Jack. Jack likes playing ball. And playing tug. And barking. And squirming out of snuggle attempts. But he likes chickens, so he's aces.

Here's the resident attack cat, Nora. No mouse, bird, squirrel, or possum (or human stumbling to a coffee pot in early morning hours) is safe. 

There are no pictures of the people characters. Come on, people. The internet is a scary place. There might be an obscure one here or there, but... it's not about pictures of the people.

This blog will be Jess and my journey into summer. New jobs, adventures biking to the office, recipes, life with pets, a mention or two of K9 search and rescue, our farm undertakings, and the potential addition of a chicken coop - more details on all of this later. Thanks for checking us out, and welcome!



  1. I am so excited about your blog! You know how I love them. :) Add e-mail sign up (not RSS feed). :) I am sure you will get right on that. I think Jack needs a goat! Sam


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